Victory Boyd - The Word (Live)

Posted on 08/09/2024

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In the beginning was the word
And, the word was with God
And, the word was God
He was in the beginning
With God, all things were made
Through Him
And without him nothing was made
That was made
In him was life
And, the life was the light of men
And the light shines in the darkness
And the darkness did not comprehend

In the beginning was the word
And, the word was with God
And, the word was God
He was in the beginning
With God, all things were made
Through Him
And without Him nothing was made
That was made
In him was life

And, the life was the light of men
And the light shines in the darkness
And the darkness did not comprehend
And, the word was with God
And, the word was God
And, the word became flesh
And, the word dwelled amongst us
And, the world did not know him
And, his own did not receive him
But, as many as received him
To them he gave the right to become children
The children of God

And, the word was with God
And, the word was God
And, the word became flesh
And, the word dwelled amongst us
And, the world did not know him
And, his own did not receive him

Oh no, no, no, no
But, as many as received him
To them he gave the right to become children
The children of God

And, the word was with God
And, the word was God
And, the word became flesh
And, the word dwelled amongst us
And, the world did not know him
And, his own did not receive him
Oh what a shame
Cause, as many as received him
To them he gave the right to become children
The children of God
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Thank you Lord
Thank you for making us your children, Father
Cause, as many as received him
To them he gave the right to become children

Oh, it’s your birthright
And the moment that you have decided to receive him
You were born again
And, at that moment
It becomes your right
To claim that you are his son
You are his daughter
And all of the inheritance of Heaven
Is your portion forever
Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord

In the beginning was the word
And, the word was with God
And, the word was God